when one is, so to speak, in the throes of inspiration;

it is a different thing when the vision is at^i distance,
and then comes the moment of depression and trial.
Of course, always ^the mountain is there." But the
mountain may disappear, the view may be blocked
by a passing cloud. It is now for us, while we are
young, to cherish the value of happiness and inspira-
tion, and grow by means of them. That is a tre-
mendous privilege. Generally, people get to a source
of inspiration when they are about forty. So, for
•us who are quite young, and have it, it would be a
sacrilege, a betrayal, to let that vision be dimmed.
"We may go blind or become mad or die, or anything
might happen which we cannot prevent. But if we
let that vision die, it will take two or three lives to
get it back again.

It is no good sitting down and saying: ^Let the
mountain come to Mohammed." It will not. We, as
individuals, cannot put ourselves above the mountain.
It is the individual who has found the inspiration
and goes on, who will get to the mountain.

You and I have such immense possibilities! You
will realize them when you are a little older, when
you have all had a little bit of what men call suffer-
ing. It is not what I or anybody else says here that
matters. It is what you want to do and how .you
do it.